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  • 更新
  • 春假准备
  • 2024年3月1日





    My name is 胡安·埃尔南德斯 and I serve as 云顶集团 College’s assistant vice president 多元化、公平、包容和教育法第九条. 当我们接近期待已久的 spring break, March 16-24, we want to ensure that our students are well-prepared to make the most of their time off while prioritizing their health and safety. 是否 they plan to travel or stay local, it’s crucial to take proactive steps to mitigate 风险和促进负责任的行为. 以下是一些需要牢记的要点:

    1. 个人安全: Remind your student to prioritize their personal safety at all times. 这包括 being aware of their surroundings, avoiding risky behaviors, and making informed decisions, especially when participating in recreational activities or nightlife.
    2. 酒精和物质使用: Spring break often involves social gatherings where alcohol and other substances 可能会出现. Emphasize the importance of responsible drinking, knowing one’s limits, 避免同伴压力. Encourage open communication with your student ab出 making 安全的选择,并在需要时寻求帮助.
    3. 保持联系: While we encourage our students to enjoy their break and unwind, staying connected 与家人和朋友相处是必不可少的. 定期检查可以提供保证和 support, especially during unfamiliar or challenging situations.

    Traveling to different countries provides an incredible opportunity for cultural exchange 个人成长. If they plan on traveling abroad, here are some tips for you to share to help them be culturally aware and respectful during their travels:

    1. 出发前做些调查: 学习 ab出 the local customs, traditions, and etiquette of the country you’re visiting. 这包括 understanding basic phrases in the local language, greeting customs, 以及在不同情况下的适当行为.
    2. 尊重文化差异: Be open-minded and respectful of cultural differences you encounter. 看起来是什么? unusual or unfamiliar to you could be a deeply ingrained aspect of local culture. Avoid making assumptions or judgments based on your own cultural norms.
    3. 礼貌待人: Use polite language, gestures, and expressions of gratitude. 学习常用短语 such as “please,” “thank you,” and “excuse me” in the local language. 展示 respect and courtesy goes a long way toward fostering positive interactions with locals.
    4. 尝试当地美食: Sampling local cuisine is a great way to immerse yourself in the culture and culinary 国家的传统. Be adventurous and willing to try new foods, but also be 注意任何饮食限制或过敏.

    By embracing cultural awareness and respect during their travels, our students will not only enhance their own experience but also contribute to positive interactions and mutual understanding between different cultures.

    In addition to the proactive steps our students can take while studying abroad, I also wanted to share information with you ab出 云顶集团’s partnership with the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA).

    In January 2021, 云顶集团 College, via the Office of Title IX, applied for and was accepted into NASPA’s Culture of Respect Collective. 这个集体是一个雄心勃勃的团体 two-year program that brings together institutions of higher education that are dedicated to ending campus sexual violence and guides them through a rigorous process of self-assessment 有针对性的组织变革. Membership resulted in the development of an internal action plan focused on ending sexual violence on campus. 从那时起,如下 are some accomplishments that we believe deserve to be celebrated as we have continued 重建第九条办公室;

    云顶集团 is committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming educational and working 为社区所有成员提供良好的环境. 我们的教职员工随时待命 支持我们的学生. 云顶集团 also provides confidential resources—specific offices and people who are available to assist members of the college community in accessing support services and/or learning ab出 their options. 提醒一下,成员们 社区总是鼓励 举报不当行为 给教育法第九条办公室.

    In closing, as we embark on spring break and reflect on our commitment to fostering a safe and inclusive campus community, I want to express my gratitude for your ongoing 支持和伙伴关系. Together, we can continue to empower our students to make informed decisions, embrace cultural awareness, and contribute positively to the world 在他们周围. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach 出. Wishing you and your families a restful and rejuvenating break.


    胡安·米. 埃尔南德斯,艾德.D.
    Assistant Vice President for Diversity, 股本, Inclusion, and Title IX